From clothing to cars, cosmetics to medicine, electronics, movies, and software it is estimated that counterfeit products cost the global economy up to 600 billion dollars a year.
If that's not enough, many businesses have the added challenge of dealing with grey market sales, which can cause significant damage to both a brand's reputation and financial value.
To assist businesses in addressing such challenges, SQM now offers a unique program which helps companies to protect their brands from harmful counterfeiting and grey market activities.
The program involves SQM using its extensive, worldwide network of local area Representatives to identify sellers of counterfeit and grey market products, making it easier for the brand to target these people for either legal action or criminal charges.
Since our inspectors are all locally based, the service saves companies a considerable amount of time, effort, and money, required to address this important area of the business.
SQM's Anti-Counterfeiting / Grey Market Monitoring Program can be conducted regionally, nationally, internationally, or even targeted towards a particular seller.
Inspection scenarios and reports are tailored specifically to your needs and criteria. All of the information is captured electronically and made available to authorized personnel using our confidential, secure, online reporting system.
Upon completion of any inspections, it is management's responsibility to use the information to address any issues that may impact the brand, or affect the ongoing operation of the business.
Sensors Quality Management Inc.'s (SQM) Anti-Counterfeiting / Grey Market Monitoring Program helps to effectively:
- Maintain a brand's reputation by ensuring only safe and legitimate products are sold in the marketplace
- Reduce a company's financial losses due to the sale of counterfeit products
- Protect the erosion of a brand's value from lower sale prices at grey market sellers
- Ensure adherence to brand standards and procedures
- Quantify lost opportunities
Contact SQM to learn more about implementing your customized program.